Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Real Quick Notes

My, time is really flying!!! I just don't have enough hours in the day (or money in the bank) to get everything done. I still need quite a few things and I'm feeling guilty about not spending this time doing QUALITY things with my boys. They're so sick of being dragged along to doctor appointments and outdoors stores (REI, Gander Mountain, etc). I hope to finish up shopping tomorrow and finally have a few days devoted to them! I'm keeping my fingers crossed!

Anyway, I was thinking there might be some readers (I'm assuming I have some) that are interested in knowing more about what I am going to be doing. I have added something at the bottom of the blog with links to a film which offers a glimpse of life on the expedition and to GVI's Amazon site. Hopefully that will give you guys something to look at until I can post another long, rambling entry. I am also going to publish my proposal within the next day or two. I have had several requests for that!

Well, it is 2:45 AM and I still have some cleaning and ironing to do so I am going to do that so I can cuddle up with my husband for a couple of hours before he has to head to work! I'll do my best to get back to this tomorrow!

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